Let's Start Thinking of School Reopening Next Phase Now!

On Thursday, Mayor Bowser announced plans for DCPS schools – classes for pre-K through 12th grade will be virtual for Term 1, Aug. 31 through Nov 6. There will be no in-person classes for DCPS students. It is imperative that we focus on getting our kids back in classrooms safely once this Mayor’s order is lifted. Below is my statement on this topic:

Reopening schools virtually this fall is the right call, based on the health data and what school districts around us are doing. The question now is: What next? When will we reopen schools to in-person learning? The city should commit to doing so by January, or sooner.

“Not until it’s safe” is hashtag politics that is simplistic and unhelpful. Of course we should not open until it’s safe. And, of course, if the situation worsens we may have no choice but to keep school buildings closed. The reality is that at some point we must reopen our schools. 

We must think creatively and be open to a variety of options, rather than throwing up our hands and saying “It can’t be done” and “Our hands are tied by federal COVID incompetence.” As an emergency preparedness specialist with 18 years experience in the field, I know that preventing and preparing for this is possible.

Anne Vomm