This is it!
Your vote counts! And it’s time to exercise your constitutional right to vote and to remind your friends and neighbors to get to the polls.
All the hard work over the past year since I announced comes down to the next two days. Now more than ever, DC needs a council member with emergency planning expertise and the right practical experience. As a TRUE Independent, I have spent my career working to help people and find solutions to our most challenging problems. Now, I need your help at the polls—mark your ballot for Chander Jayaraman to choose a new way of thinking for the DC Council.
Here are three ways to vote today and tomorrow:
Drop off your mail-in ballot today or tomorrow by 8 p.m. Be sure to read and follow the directions such as signing the envelope. You can drop your ballot in one of these boxes. Or at any of the early voting centers. I dropped mine inside at Nats Park — the World Series Trophy is in the polling location!!!
Vote in person today (Monday) at an early voting center between 8:30 am and 7:00 pm.
Vote in person tomorrow (Tuesday) at any election day voting center from 7:00 am to 8:00 pm.
HINT: If you use a voting machine, be sure to scroll down to the last screen in the At-Large race to find my me, Chander Jayaraman!
Then on Election night, join us on Zoom for our virtual election night party, starting at 8 pm. RSVP and get the zoom link.
Stand with me for a better DC!